for Gad: Eljasaf, De'uels sønn, Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury Eliasaph 4 Mosebok 7:42 4 Mosebok 10:20 Son of Reuel 4 Mosebok 2:14 Deuel. 4 Mosebok 2:14 , the Samaritan, Vulgate, and Arabic have Deuel, instead of Reuel, with which reading a vast number of MSS. concur, and which is also supported by ch. 4 Mosebok 7:42 4 Mosebok 10:20 . We may therefore safely conclude, the Deuel, and not Reuel, was the original reading. Lenker 4 Mosebok 1:14 Interlineært • 4 Mosebok 1:14 flerspråklig • Números 1:14 Spansk • Nombres 1:14 Fransk • 4 Mose 1:14 Tyske • 4 Mosebok 1:14 Chinese • Numbers 1:14 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |