Atlas  Eshtemoh (Anim) and surrounding region Maps Created using Biblemapper 3.0Additional data from
You are free to use up to 50 Biblos coprighted maps (small or large) for your website or presentation. Please credit Occurrences Joshua 15:50 Anab, Eshtemoh, Anim, Encyclopedia ESHTEMOAesh-te-mo'-a, esh'-te-mo-a ('eshtemoa`):
A Levitical city in the hill country of Judah (Joshua 21:14 1 Chronicles 6:57); Eshtemoh ('eshtemoh, Joshua 15:50). In 1ch 4:17, 19, Eshtemoa is said to be a Maacathite and "son" of Ishbah. David after routing the Amalekites sent a present to his friends in (among other places) Eshtemoa (1 Samuel 30:28).
It is now es-Semu`a, a considerable village of evident antiquity some 8 miles South of Hebron. |