Dette er Israels barn efter deres tall, med deres familiehoder og høvedsmennene over tusen og over hundre og deres tilsynsmenn, som tjente kongen i alt som vedkom hær-delingene; disse hær-delinger tiltrådte og fratrådte skiftevis hver måned gjennem hele året, og hver deling var på fire og tyve tusen mann. Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury 24,000 men, who all served a month at a time, in turn; and this was the whole of their service during the year, after which they attended to their own affairs. Thus the king had always on foot a regular force of 24,000, who served without expense to him or the state, and were not oppressed by the service, which took up only a twelfth part of their time; and by this plan he could, at any time, bring into the field 12 times 24,000 or 288,000 fighting men, independently of the 12,000 officers, which made in the whole an effective force of 300,000 soldiers; and all these men were prepared, disciplined, and ready at a call, without the smallest expense to the state or the king. These were, properly speaking, the militia of the Israelites kingdom. captains 1 Krønikebok 28:1 2 Krønikebok 17:12-19 2 Krønikebok 26:11-13 any matter 1 Kongebok 4:7,27 Lenker 1 Krønikebok 27:1 Interlineært • 1 Krønikebok 27:1 flerspråklig • 1 Crónicas 27:1 Spansk • 1 Chroniques 27:1 Fransk • 1 Chronik 27:1 Tyske • 1 Krønikebok 27:1 Chinese • 1 Chronicles 27:1 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |