Han slo Edom i Saltdalen, ti tusen mann, og inntok Sela og kalte det Jokte'el, som det heter den dag idag. Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury A. 3177 B.C. 2 Kongebok 8:20-22 2 Krønikebok 25:11,12 2 Samuel 8:13 1 Krønikebok 18:12 Salmenes 60:1 Selah. 600 miles from Gaza, and 125 from the Persian Gulf; but Cellarius and Reland very justly consider that the numbers have been changed, and that we ought to read 125 miles from Gaza, and 600 from the Persian Gulf. Eusebius places Beerothbenajaakan 30 miles west from Petra, and Ellath ten miles east; and Burckhardt discovered the ruins of this ancient city in a valley called Wady Mousa. Joktheel Josvas 15:38 Lenker 2 Kongebok 14:7 Interlineært • 2 Kongebok 14:7 flerspråklig • 2 Reyes 14:7 Spansk • 2 Rois 14:7 Fransk • 2 Koenige 14:7 Tyske • 2 Kongebok 14:7 Chinese • 2 Kings 14:7 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |