Og Esaias sa: Hent en fikenkake! Så hentet de en fikenkake og la den på bylden, og han frisknet til. Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury Take a lump. 2 Kongebok 2:20-22 2 Kongebok 4:41 Esaias 38:21 the boil. Jobs 2:7 . A poultice of figs might be very proper to maturate a boil, or dismiss any obstinate inflammatory swelling; but we need not discuss its propriety in this case, because it was as much the means which God chose to bless for his recovery, as the clay which Christ moistened to anoint the eyes of the blind man; for in both cases, without Divine interposition the cure could not have been effected. Lenker 2 Kongebok 20:7 Interlineært • 2 Kongebok 20:7 flerspråklig • 2 Reyes 20:7 Spansk • 2 Rois 20:7 Fransk • 2 Koenige 20:7 Tyske • 2 Kongebok 20:7 Chinese • 2 Kings 20:7 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |