Men ved enden av sabbaten, da det lysnet mot den første dag i uken, kom Maria Magdalena og den andre Maria for å se til graven. Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury the end. Matteus 20:21 , 'they polluted my sabbaths.' Three evangelists say, the transaction recorded in this verse, occurred upon the first day of the week, early in the morning, about sunrising, and John says, while it was yet dark. [Opse sabbaton,] does not signify 'in the evening of sabbath,' but 'sabbaths.' Hence, the great feast having been concluded, the term 'end of the sabbaths' denotes the time very clearly. Again, it may be observed that the Jews, speaking of their passover, sometimes speak according to their civil computation, wherein they measured their days from sun-rising to sun-rising. Sometimes according to their sacred computation, which was from sun-set to sun-set. This reconciles 4 Mosebok 28:18 , which seems to make the fourteenth day of the first month, the first day of unleavened bread. Markus 16:1,2 Lukas 23:56 Lukas 24:1,22 Johannes 20:1 *etc: Mary Magdalene. Matteus 27:56,61 Lenker Matteus 28:1 Interlineært • Matteus 28:1 flerspråklig • Mateo 28:1 Spansk • Matthieu 28:1 Fransk • Matthaeus 28:1 Tyske • Matteus 28:1 Chinese • Matthew 28:1 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |