Og han tok kalven som de hadde gjort, og kastet den på ilden og knuste den til den blev til støv, og støvet strødde han ovenpå vannet og gav Israels barn det å drikke. Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury took the calf. 2 Mosebok 9:21 , this is fully explained. I took, says Moses, your sin, the calf which ye had made, and burnt it with fire; that is, melted it down, probably into ingots or gross plates, and stamped it, beat it into thin laminae, something like our gold leaf, and ground it very small, even until it was as small as dust, which might be very easily done by the action of the hands, when beat into thin plates or leaves as the original words ekkoth, and dak, imply. 5 Mosebok 7:5,25 5 Mosebok 9:21 2 Kongebok 23:6,15 made the Salomos Ordsprog 14:14 Lenker 2 Mosebok 32:20 Interlineært • 2 Mosebok 32:20 flerspråklig • Éxodo 32:20 Spansk • Exode 32:20 Fransk • 2 Mose 32:20 Tyske • 2 Mosebok 32:20 Chinese • Exodus 32:20 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |