Jeg samlet dem ved den elv som løper ut i Ahava; der lå vi i leir tre dager. Men da jeg gav nøiere akt på folket og på prestene, fant jeg ingen av Levis barn der. Bibelen Kunnskap Treasury 79 deg., lat. 39 1/2 deg., and at its junction with the Tigris, in long. 79 1/2 deg., lat. 36 deg. Esras 8:6 ; and the latter, at its source, in long 78 deg., lat. 39 deg.; and where it falls into the Tigris, in long. 79 deg., lat. Esras 8:36 1/2 deg. They are now called the Great and Little Zab, or the Zabein, i.e. the two Zabs, which, says Ibn Haukal, 'are considerable streams, each about half as large as the Dejleh (or Tigris). They rise among the mountains of Azerbaijan: of these, the larger is that which runs towards Haditheh. These streams form part of the Tigris, and water the district of Semerah.' Salmenes 137:1 Esekiel 1:1 Esekiel 3:15 Apostlenes-gjerninge 16:13 Ahava Esras 8:21,31 abode. Esras 8:2 Esras 7:7,24 Lenker Esras 8:15 Interlineært • Esras 8:15 flerspråklig • Esdras 8:15 Spansk • Esdras 8:15 Fransk • Esra 8:15 Tyske • Esras 8:15 Chinese • Ezra 8:15 Engelsk • Bible Apps • Bible HubDet Norsk Bibelselskap (1930) |